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Turn Your Idea Into A Novel

Have you ever wanted to write a book? Turning your idea into a novel can seem daunting, but you can do it, and we have some thoughts on the subject.

Maybe you were daydreaming one day while walking down a grocery store aisle. You saw an interesting exchange between two people both reaching for the same mango. They laugh as their hands meet. You can practically see lighting bolts shoot out from their fingers as they serendipitously touch.

They make eye contact, and share a smile. The woman, wearing a camel pea coat and tall dark brown leather boots, gives a nervous laugh and bashfully turns her head away. The man, in dark blue jeans and a crisp white shirt is spellbound and can’t look away.

“Mango salsa?” he asks.

She turns her back to him, slightly surprised. “How did you know?”

“First frost is coming. The last of the summer tomatoes deserve a stellar farewell party,” he replies.

The woman gives a knowing smile. “Great minds think alike,” she says.

While you stand there observing the situation, inspiration suddenly ignites within you, and a whole story starts flooding your mind.

Have you ever observed a situation like this that made you want to know what happens next? Did they go on a date? Did they make the mango salsa together? Why are two seemingly professional people making their own mango salsa? Do they both garden? When do they find time?

The idea for a story is often sparked by a seemingly innocuous observation. Inspirations like this one can take hold of us and haunt us until we flesh it out and give it life. For the writer, that means turning this chance encounter into a story, and with any luck a full length novel.

There are numerous methods for a writer to develop inspiration and transform it into a story. Below are a few of my preferred techniques to kickstart the process.

RECORD THE INSPIRATION - Let's start with getting the important elements recorded. Describe the inciting incident that sparked the inspiration, along with the characters involved. 

Or maybe you don’t know the inciting incident. Maybe it was a color or a song that inspired you. Describe what sparked interest and what feelings were invoked. Capture these moments vividly, for they are the seeds from which your story will grow. A notebook, your phone audio recorder or your laptop are great places to jot down these important details.

DAYDREAM - Prior to beginning to write chapter one, allow the concept to simmer. Think about it when you have time to relax and your mind is peaceful. It’s amazing what happens when you don’t force creativity into a box right away.

Daydreaming is also important because not every idea that is attached to that inspiration will be set in stone. Ideas come and ideas go. Not all the ideas you have will make the cut, but often one idea will lead to another and then another that does take the story where it needs to go.

Have patience and allow the inspiration to guide you. It is also important to note, that you can come back to this stage at any time during the writing process.

BRAINSTORM - Next, taking your beginning inspiration and your daydreams, allow yourself time to let all those puzzle pieces fall onto the proverbial table. Don’t try to make sense of it right away. Write down as many ideas that come to mind as possible.

Describe the main characters. Who are they? Do names come to mind? What are their dreams, fears, quirks? Describe what motivates them. It could be love, revenge, curiosity or redemption. What emotions were stirred in your characters. Who is the protagonist? Is there an antagonist that is going to get in the way of her journey? What are the obstacles? What is the main goal your protagonist is trying to achieve?

Jot down the setting. Oftentimes setting can be just as important to the story as the characters.

BUILD THE PUZZLE - You've been inspired, you've captured that inspiration and now it’s time for the actual story to take root. Use the foundation you've built of inspiration and ideas to outline your plot and develop your characters.

Take the time to reflect on what truly sparked your imagination - remember that innocent mango and how it brought two people together?

When it comes to outlining your plot, consider the overarching themes and messages you wish to convey through your narrative. Think about the conflicts that will drive the story forward and the resolutions that will bring it to a satisfying conclusion. Will this couple have the strength to sacrifice time out of their professional lives to build a relationship? Will gardening tomatoes be the glue that holds them together? Will this couple get married in a tropical paradise? Maybe. Or maybe it's something more sinister and it turns into a thriller, the Sierra Kay way. The sky is the limit - it's your puzzle and your story.

Allow your plot to unfold organically, letting the characters navigate through challenges and growth. Speaking of characters, they are the heart and soul of your story. Take the opportunity to bring them to life, giving them unique personalities, motivations, and backstories.

Who else is involved in their story? Is there a jealous ex-wife or maybe Mr. Mango turns into a stalker. Consider how each character contributes to the overall narrative arc and how they interact with one another to create dynamic relationships.

Remember, the process of developing a story is not just about putting words on paper; it is about breathing life into a world of your creation. Inspiration turns into a story, by investing time, thought, structure and emotion into your idea, then piecing it together in a way that will captivate your reader.

Your Sierra Kay Takeaways:

  1. RECORD THE INITAL INSPIRATION - Don't let that idea get away!

  2. DAYDREAM - Give inspiration some space to breathe and show you where it could go.

  3. BRAINSTORM - Flesh it out, allowing all the possibilities a chance to interview for your story and why they are right for the job.

  4. BUILD THE PUZZLE - Use your chosen story writing methods to give your ideas life.

Do you have an idea you want to turn into a story? Sierra Kay offers book coaching and more to help you write and publish a phenomenal book. Read more HERE.

A woman writing in a notebook.

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