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Navigating the Path to Success: Working with a Book Coach

It’s 2024 and the online space has opened up a world of possibilities for creatives. Sharing your work with the world has become more accessible, but turning that world of possibility into an actual opportunity can be tricky when you don’t know the tricks of the trade.

Many writers, experts, and entrepreneurs opt to incorporate books as accessories to their platforms, with some leveraging a book to propel themselves towards their true calling.

Writing a book is an excellent way to share your story, knowledge, experience or opinions with the world. Whether it’s fiction, non-fiction, memoir or workbook, a book can give you credibility, status and help spread your message far and wide. It can also be an additional stream of revenue.

Woman working at a desk with a laptop.

Choosing to write a book can be a highly fulfilling pursuit. However, it can also feel quite daunting. Can you relate?

Have you ever felt the urge to write, clear space in your schedule, and sit down only to stare at a blank screen with a dumbfounded look? You’ll never write your blockbuster if the writer’s block is holding you back.

Maybe you are on your way. Perhaps you have an outline, but you need help meeting deadlines. Then there’s the publishing industry. What in the world do you do after your book is finished? How do you get your material into the marketplace?

If any of this feels familiar you may be on course to hiring a book coach.

You may be wondering, what is a book coach exactly?

Best-selling author, publisher and book coach Sierra Kay says that a book coach is someone who enters your project objectively and creates a path forward.

“Writing can be a solitary endeavor and that’s why some people struggle with it. A book coach is like a creativity coach and project manager coming together. You have to have a timeline and a clear direction and that’s what I help provide,” Kay said.

As someone who has written and published six books and worked in the corporate arena, Kay knows how to balance creativity and she knows the publishing industry well. She says a book coach needs to be confident and competent in executing through processes. "I know how to get the job done."

What is the benefit of a book coach?

A book coach can help you move the needle forward in an organized, timely manner.

“I know what it is to write, but I also know what it is to look at a blank screen and get past it,” Kay said.

In addition to keeping you on track in your writing endeavor, she also knows the publishing industry and can help you maneuver through it. A book coach helps you bust through the hurdles and get to the finish line.

Effective book coaches are process driven. Most book coaches will start with a short discovery call to see where you are in your process and if you are a good fit. As for Kay, she has an 8-Step framework that empowers authors to complete their book in as little as 90 days.

Can published authors benefit from working with a book coach?

YES! As Kay said, there is always room for process improvement. She works with both nonfiction and fiction authors as well as published and debut authors.

What do book coaches not do?

No two book coaches are completely alike. Sierra Kay will not write your book for you. She is not currently a ghostwriter. “If you hire me as a book coach, I will coach you through the process."

What is the average length of time a book coach needs to help a writer?

This varies from coach to coach. “My framework is for three months, but it really depends on the individual. There are many ways to do this,” Kay said. “It really depends on the writer and if she is committed to the goal of getting her book complete.”

When should a writer, expert, or entrepreneur consider hiring a book coach?

The fact that you’re reading this article might be a good sign. You’re considering help for your project and are looking for a professional to help you reach your goals. You might be having trouble getting past the writer’s block, or maybe you have no idea what comes after the first draft and how to enter the publishing arena. Maybe you need help staying focused and meeting deadlines.

If you are ready to go to the next level, are seeking feedback and motivation a book coach could be a benefit to you.

The support of a good book coach can make all the difference.

Are you ready to unlock your full potential as an author? Look no further than our personalized book coaching services.

Schedule a 20-minute introductory meeting and let's discuss how our book coaching services can help you achieve your literary goals. Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock your true writing potential.

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